Saturday, April 11, 2009

Aaron's Relay for Life

I just found out that Lily's Uncle Aaron is doing the Relay for Life in honor of Sandy's and Lily's battles with cancer as part of a community service project at West Point. I remember in elementary school every year doing fundraisers for St. Jude's - usually in hopes that our class would get a pizza party but then nearly being brought to tears at slide shows of sick kids my own age. And then my own family was touched by cancer, smacked with cancer, full nelson half something or othered with cancer. Every bit makes a difference and the good part is that everyone has a different cause. Which is a good thing cause there are lots of them out there.

I had a long conversation with Lily's doc about finishing treatment and cancer in general and she said although huge strides are being made- she just doesn't see a cure anytime soon. Some view cancer and disease as natural selection, some as punishment for past discretions- smoking, drinking, etc- some view it as population control. I won't get into my heavy views on that right now-but do know that with all the knowledge out there- I would love to see a cure happen. Many cancers that killed people 10-15 years ago are completely treatable and some cureable. There are strides being made that make treatment more tolerable. As I called the trial study doc (was that really 6 months ago???)at St. Jude's I couldn't help but think of the little boxes we used to put pennies in at St. Joan of Arc because we believed those pennies would help-maybe get a pizza party- maybe one day help treat a kid who went on to be a doc who made a difference. Maybe Lily will be that doc, maybe it will be one of the little army of angels who I know are praying for her each night . If for nothing more than to spare their children what they've seen her go through these past 6 months.

On that light and toasty note- Thanks again to all who have prayed, who have brought dinners(or week's worth of dinners!) and goodie bags, gifts, donations, or left anonymous packages on our doorstep. We appreciate it all. So many of you have been the daily inspiration we have needed to get to this point. I will never be able to properly thank you- many I've never even met who have tried to make this journey a little more comfortable for us.

Link for Aarons relay......donations welcomed and appreciated....

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