Friday, May 22, 2009

Chemo Independence Day Celebration

We have officially started planning :

Lily's Chemo Independence Day Celebration!

Save the Date: July 4, 2009

I feel like I am constantly knocking on wood these days. We have picked a place, put a deposit down and are starting to plan our big celebration! It will be the afternoon of the 4th. It was tough picking a date, Lily doesn't finish mitotane until the end of June and Phil is slated to go TDY the 2nd week in July- so it really only left a couple days to choose from! What better day to celebrate independence from chemo, but Independence DAY!

This is a way for us to get together with our family and friends here who have been so supportive throughout Lily's treatment, to say THANK YOU and to celebrate moving into a new phase of our journey.

Stay tuned for details!


  1. Hip Hip Hooray! Lily and her family deserve a party on Independence Day. It sounds just great,,,,

    The Heiman's

  2. Thanks be to God. Love, Grandma Allen
