Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Years ago my dear friend Gina from across the oceans- did a remarkable thing for us- with a Tshirt. I had no idea how many supporters we had and it was such a boost to see pictures of all our friends all over the world in a Tshirt designed by Hope Friedman- just for us- representing US! Here's the original story TEAM MALLORY

It's hard to believe that was years ago. SO many unknowns- ups and downs and here we are!

It was completely out of my comfort zone to have a tshirt- to let friends help- but I learned so much and we felt so much love- THANK YOU.

As we go into this next round of unknowns- we've collected a few more friends along the way. I am so grateful for the kind giving souls who help transport kids, feed the bottomless pit that is my boy and give the kids love when I have less than enough energy and just check in periodically to say hello.

I know a couple of my kids have outgrown their T's. And there may be a couple spots on mine. And the hawaiian kids really want hoodies- because it is very cold here in HAWAII! There's even a new style available- a really cute football jersey style!

Since many are not on FB- I wanted to share this with you. No obligation at all.  It's a quick turn since the surgery is fast approaching !

Once again thank you- for the thoughts- prayers- kind offers for help and cards and gifts that have arrived. Each one is so meaningful and appreciated.


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