Thursday, May 10, 2018

I've traveled, some.

I've gotten an education.

I've had my heart broken.

I've been told I wasn't good enough.

I've felt I wasn't good enough.

Then I did better.

Then I did more.

I created 4 humans. 4. humans.

I've kept them alive until now. NO small feat.

I've given my heart to another and had it completely broken.

I've had someone help me put the pieces together.

I've put many pieces back myself.

I've been told to just shove the pieces in, enough is enough.

I've had many close friends who listened over and over while each piece was put back.

I've done my best.

I've learned sometimes your best just isn't good enough.

And then I've had someone hug me so not only all the pieces stuck back together,

And In that moment it was all good enough.

More than that, it is the best.

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Lily Kay Monkey

Lily Kay Monkey
November 2008 Photographed by Shelley Detton (7 Layer Studio)