Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Go Figure

How is it that every time I go into clinic- we have a 3-4 hour "visit" and when Phil takes her in- it's less than a half an hour? I call to check on them after an hour and they are already downtown checking out the wares at the Disney Store. Really? They didn't even draw her blood in clinic. What? Really? She's doing well and that's what counts.

In other news- Lily apparently knows how to use chopsticks. I have tried many many times, unsuccessfully. I don't know what it is. Each time I swear I'm gonna go on the chopsticks diet- I'd surely lose weight then. But of course then I get hungry- chuck the sticks at the nearest child and grab a fork. Kiera can do it left handed. Bella even does this two handed deal that works for her. Me, I'm a gimp. Lily ate a whole plate of noodles last night, with chopsticks. She never ceases to amaze me. Despite the mitotane and chemo, both which are supposed to make her dumb as a box of rocks, oh sorry "cause developmental delays"- her intelligence also still amazes me. I wish I had a good example right now, but I don't so you'll have to take my word for it.

We had Chinese last night because I had to run to the library with the kids. We had to pick up some research materials for young Phillip- but primarily I had to pay my fines. I know many of you have heard me say how I single handedly support the Hawaii State Library System. I like to make monthly contributions. So when Phillip mentioned Sunday night that he had to have 5 resources for a paper, due Monday- I went online to check and see what my "monthly contribution" would be this time. My suggested monthly contribution was so high that I was locked out of 2 of our 3 cards. How high you might ask? 2.5 Wii games. An outfit. Dinner for 6 at some place nicer than McDonald's. Ugh. I vaguely recall asking Carrie to return a bag of overdue books around Christmas- I look at the due dates - Dec. 5. Ouch. So I call the library and explain that I had severely neglegted my resposibilities, that my daughter had been in and out of the hospital for months and could they not hand me over to collections? She laughed, she can take care of it- just bring discharge paperwork by and they will waive the fines. Really? You don't want my first born? That was fairly painless. After we took care of that, we had to run and get Lily chapstick because the white kind was not Ok, she wanted the pink kind, but not strawberry. At least she's not particular. And then it was dinner time, so I splurged on Chinese which was still only half of what I would have had to pay in fines- but don't worry- we checked out more books- so I know I'll be supporting the Hawaii State Library System more next month!


  1. Well, at least you know your are supporting a good cause. Nice of them to let you off the hook this month, but I am sure they were looking at your account thinking, "We'll get it out of her next month--she's a repeater." Chinese food sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing the happy times along with the tough ones. Love you all!

  2. It's a new generation. Phil and Lily look like they're having a race or they're mighty hungry! Thanks for the great pictures. Lily looks so great. Love - Mom

  3. I love your writing style! You make me laugh! Glad you are all hanging in there. The Chinese food is making this pregnant mama hungry though. :)


Lily Kay Monkey

Lily Kay Monkey
November 2008 Photographed by Shelley Detton (7 Layer Studio)